Our heart continuously accumulates filth ~
sins, vice, evil, malice, jealousy, anger, enmity etc
and hence becomes rusted …
All these things ‘cover and engulf our heart’.
Just like any machinary in this world requires regular servicing, cleaning and oiling …
so to, does our rusted and corroded heart need cleansing, purifying and oiling, with the Zikr of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala.
An effective method of servicing our heart, is the Zikr of the Kalimah “La ilaaha illAllah”
When we say “La ilaaha“,
We are removing everything that has engulfed our heart, besides Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala …
And, when we say “illAllah” …
We fill our heart Only with Allah
We have a tongue that is saying Allah
Imagine …
our hearts to have a tongue, which is saying Allah
‘together with our tongue.’
Zikrullah is very powerful and effective in helping us to remain away from Nafs and shaytaan
May Allah protect us and make us true Zaakireen…