Sins that we take for granted and treat as insignificant – Calling people by a defamatory name, showing disrespect to the pious and Ulema, carrying tales – Part 2
Month: July 2019
Jummuah Lecture ~ Musjid e Noor 19~7~19
Sins that we take for granted and treat as insignificant -mocking others, eavesdropping, mimicking, etc. – 16-07-2019
Sins that we take for granted and treat as insignificant -mocking others, eavesdropping, mimicking, etc.
Series extracted from a discourse of Hazrat Mufti Shafi Sb RA- Sins that we take for granted and treat as insignificant -Engaging in futile activities and talks – Part 1- 10-07-2019
Series extracted from a discourse of Hazrat Mufti Shafi Sb RA- Sins that we take for granted and treat as insignificant -Engaging in futile activities and talks – Part 1
Explanation of the meaning of Fitnah, and the ways of protecting oneself from different fitan – 01-07-2019
Explanation of the meaning of Fitnah, and the ways of protecting oneself from different Fitan