26th May 2022- Zikr majlis – Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah 26th May 2022- Zikr majlis 40 Durood Advice – Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah Zikrullah Du’aa DOWNLOAD LECTURE
19 May 2022- Zikr majlis – Dua for protection from Zina (adultery) 19 May 2022- Zikr majlis 40 Durood Advice – Dua for protection from Zina (adultery) Zikrullah Du’aa DOWNLOAD LECTURE
12th May 2022- Zikr majlis – Steadfastness after Ramadaan 12th May 2022- Zikr majlis 40 Durood Advice – Steadfastness after Ramadaan Zikrullah Du’aa DOWNLOAD LECTURE