30th June 2022- Zikr majlis – The Virtues of the first 10 days of Zulhijjah 30th June 2022- Zikr majlis Advice -The Virtues of the first 10 days of Zulhijjah DOWNLOAD LECTURE
23rd June 2022- Zikr majlis – The Journey, path and destination of a Believer 23rd June 2022- Zikr majlis Advice – The Journey, path and destination of a Believer DOWNLOAD LECTURE
16th June 2022- Zikr majlis – Harms of Following one’s evil desires. 16th June 2022- Zikr majlis 40 Durood Advice – Harms of Following one’s evil desires. Remembering Maut in abundance Incident of Ubaid bin Umair RA Zikrullah Du’aa DOWNLOAD LECTURE
9th June 2022- Zikr majlis – Building the barrier of Taqwa between oneself and the disobedience of Allah 9th June 2022- Zikr majlis 40 Durood Advice – Building the barrier of Taqwa between oneself and the disobedience of Allah Zikrullah Du’aa DOWNLOAD LECTURE
2nd June 2022- Zikr majlis – The Importance of Tazkiyya ( purification of the soul) 2nd June 2022- Zikr majlis 40 Durood Advice – The Importance of Tazkiyya ( purification of the soul) Zikrullah Du’aa DOWNLOAD LECTURE