20th January 2020 – The importance of true Shukr in our life – adapted from mawaaize hasanah of Hz Moulana Salim Dhorat Sb DB 20 January 2020 – Islaahi majlis The importance of true Shukr in our life – adapted from mawaaize hasanah of Hz Moulana Salim Dhorat Sb DB DOWNLOAD LECTURE
13th January 2020 – The importance of following the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam 13th January 2020 – Islaahi majlis The importance of following the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam DOWNLOAD LECTURE
06 January 2020 – Reasons for the suffering of the Ummah 06 January 2020 – Islaahi majlis Reasons for the suffering of the Ummah – adapted from a booklet by Hz Mufti Ahmad Laajpuri RA DOWNLOAD LECTURE