Zikr | Islaahi Majālis of Moulana Naeem Motala Saheb DB
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> Zikr Majlis ~ Musjid e Noor 15~09~16 • The mere fact that you are given the opportunity to take the Mubaruk name of Allah is a great blessing (Ni’mat) from Allah ~ Hazrat Haaji Imdaadullah RA
> Zikr Majlis ~ Avondale Mussallah 5~11~15 –Hazrat Nu’maan bin Basheer RadhiyAllahu Anhu narrated that : Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said : “Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body, if it becomes good (i.e., reformed), the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoilt, the whole body gets spoilt, and that is (indeed) the heart.” ~ Al-Bukhari
> Zikr Majlis ~ Musjid e Noor 1~10~15 • Short Explanation on the Verse : So remember Me; I will remember you ~ Surah Baqarah 2:152
© Veiled Gems – http://www.islaah.co.za All Excerpts, Articles, Links, Pdfs and Mp3 files of this website may be used without restriction, provided that all material utilized is linked back to the original content at [Veiled Gems – http://www.islaah.co.za] | Kindly report any broken links to: veiledgems786@gmail.com