AFTER FAJR ~ Lessons From Hadith Shareef
AFTER TARAWEEH ~ Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh
• Tuesday 21 June _ After Taraweeh > Allah Ta’ala most definitely answers our Dua | The following important lessons were discussed : How the various Messengers supplicated to Allah for their needs and how Allah Ta’ala responded to their call | Allah most definitely responds to all his servants when we supplicate earnestly to Him | Allah is our true Master and Helper | The Sabr of Hazrat Ayoob Alayhis Salaam | The Dua of Hazrat Yunus Alaihis salaam | The importance of making Dua
• Wednesday 22 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The importance of following the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam
• Wednesday 22 June _ After Taraweeh > The Exoneration of Hazrat Ayesha RA | A detailed discussion of the incident of “Ifk” (slandering) of Hazrat Ayesha RA and Hazrat Safwaan RA | The evil of the Hypocrites | Spreading False Rumours | Loving ALL the SAHAABA RA and refraining from reviling any one of them
• Thursday 23 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | Hastening towards Righteous deeds
• Thursday 23 June _ After Taraweeh > Importance of having Good friends | Special traits of the favoured servants of Allah (Ibaadur Rahmaan)
• Friday 24 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The Virtues and benefits of Salaat and Salaam (Durood)
• Friday 24 June _ After Taraweeh > Hidaayat ( Guidance) is in the Hands of Allah | The consequences of Pride and Vanity
• Saturday 25 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The Great Reward for Fasting
• Saturday 25 June _ After Taraweeh > Allah Ta’ala is (Al Ghani) All Independent, All Praiseworthy
• Sunday 26 June _ After Fajr > Morning and Evening Duas | Zikrullah | Dua
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• 21ST NIGHT _ Sunday 26 June _ After Taraweeh 1 > Virtues of Lailatul Qadr | Searching for Lailatul Qadr | Guidelines for I’tikaaf | Dua
• 21ST NIGHT _Sunday 26 June _ After Taraweeh 2 > 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
• Monday 27 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The Virtues of Spending in the Path of Allah (Sadaqah) | Forgiveness of others | Adopting Humility
• Monday 27 June _ After Taraweeh > Expressing Gratitude (Shukr) to the Favours and Bounties (Ni’mats) of Allah Upon Us | Expansion of the Spiritual Heart | Acquiring the Noor of the Maa’rifat of Allah Ta’ala | The Importance of Zikr
• Tuesday 28 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The Harms of Anger
• 23RD NIGHT _ Tuesday 28 June _ After Taraweeh 1 > Never lose hope in the Mercy of Allah
• 23RD NIGHT _Tuesday 28 June _ After Taraweeh 2 > 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
• Wednesday 29 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | Seven persons under the shade of the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala
• Wednesday 29 June _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of the Quraan Shareef | Allah grants children to whom HE wishes; the blessings of having Daughters | explanation of “Huda”(Guidance) and “Hawa”(Desires)
• Thursday 30 June _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | Earning and Consuming Halaal and Refraining from Being Nourished with Haraam and Doubtful Sources of Earning
• 25TH NIGHT _ Thursday 30 June _ After Taraweeh 1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Hujuraat | Importance of Social Etiquettes and Manners | Mocking and denegrading others | Harms of Gheebat (Backbiting) and Suspicion
• 25TH NIGHT _ Thursday 30 June _ After Taraweeh 2 > 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
• Friday 1 July _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The Value and Blessings of the Kalima
• Friday 1 July _ Jummuah Bayaan > Istiqaamat (Steadfastness) after the Month of Ramadaan
• Friday 1 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of the Quraan Shareef | Believers having “light” on the Day of Qiyamah| Munaafiqeen deprived of Noor
• Saturday 2 July _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | The Importance of making Salaam
• 27TH NIGHT _ Saturday 2 July _ After Taraweeh 1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of the Quraan Shareef | Taubah
• 27TH NIGHT _ Saturday 2 July _ After Taraweeh 2 > 40 Durood and Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
• Sunday 3 July _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | Four Phrases that are Extremely Weighty on the Scales of Good Deeds
• Sunday 3 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of the Quraan Sharif | Surah Qalam – Story of The people of the orchard | Tauheed – the Oneness of Allah | Scenes of Qiyamah
• Monday 4 July _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | Oppression
• 29TH NIGHT _ Monday 4 July _ After Taraweeh 1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of the Quraan Shareef |Excellence of the Quraan e Majeed | Surah Aadiyaat – Ungratefulnes of Man and his Greed for wealth.
• 29TH NIGHT _ Monday 4 July _ After Taraweeh 2 > 40 Durood and Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
• Tuesday 5 July _ After Fajr > Hadith Lesson | Bounties of Jannah
• Tuesday 5 July _ After Esha > Lailatul Jaa’iza | Zikrullah | Dua