Embracing Ramadaan ~ The Ladder to Taqwa
by ~ Moulana Naeem Motala DB
Right now each one of us who are the reciters of the Kalimah ~ La ilaha illallah, should be experiencing some type of enjoyment and ecstasy knowing that this great important guest, this Mehmaan, is at our doorstep!
We should be earnestly awaiting the arrival of the month of Ramadaan and embrace this golden opportunity to become a ‘True Friend’ of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
In this sacred month, Allah’s Barakah (blessings) and Rahmah (Mercy) pours down in torrents. We should treasure and value Ramadaan and not spend a second incorrectly … Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has created us for the purpose of Ibaadat, and one should observe one’s fast (roza), recite the Qur’aan in abundance, read one’s Salaah timeously, abstain from all types of evil and not indulge in any Haraam to reap the full benefit of this auspicious visitor …
For eleven months we know what our condition is … but come the month of Ramadaan, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala commands us to refrain from things that are ‘Halaal” and permissible (eating, drinking, sexual intercourse with ones spouse) … so it becomes so much more important to refrain from that which is ‘Haraam’ (lies, deceit, cheating, backbiting, fighting, anger, pride) …
The first ten days of Ramadaan is a time when Allah’s Mercy is descending … In the second ten days, Allah forgives, and the last ten days, Allah emancipates souls from the fire of Jahannum … Allah loves us! Therefore, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has given us the month of Ramadaan as a chance to come closer and closer to Him and forgives us over and over again … With so many opportunities awarded to us, we should be determined and make sincere attempts to treat this Ramadaan with a different mindset and climb this ladder to Taqwa!
We feel that Ramadaan is only about fasting and reading Taraweeh … but beyond that, the real purpose (asal maqsad-original objective) of Ramdaan is to gain ‘Taqwa’… One has to obey what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has commanded, abide by those laws, execute those injunctions and refrain from all those things that Allah has made Haraam upon us … These practices in conjunction with each other, gives us Taqwa … Otherwise, we accumulate this Noor (light) in ourselves, but the moment we turn to Sin and Haraam whilst we are fasting, this Noor will disappear …
What is the Reward for Fasting?
The Hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam explains : If a person does any good deed (Salaah, Zakaat, Sadaqa, Hajj, Umrah etc), then you will attain Sawaab (reward) and it is multiplied accordingly … but, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala does not stipulate an amount of Sawaab for fasting … We don’t know how much Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala in His ‘Immeasurable Mercy’ will give us for this act of Ibaadat (worship) … Why? … When a person is performing various good deeds (Salaah, Zakaat, Sadaqa, Hajj, Umrah etc) the physical action of performing those deeds are apparent …however, fasting is ‘concealed and hidden!’ … Therefore in Roza (fasting) there is this extra Ikhlaas (sincerity) in the person … He is doing it for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, and is enduring this hardship on his Nafs …
Allah says : وانا اجزي به
‘Wa ana ajzee bihi’
I Myself, will reward the fasting person …