Ramadaan Reminder ~ Awareness of Allah Ta’ala and having Istiqaamat (Steadfastness)
As the fasting person goes into the month of Ramadaan, he gradually increases in Taqwa. His awareness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala becomes stronger. He bears in mind that Allah Ta’ala is watching him all the time. It is through this “consciousness” of Allah Ta’ala watching him, that enables him to refrain from taking just a sip of water whilst fasting, even when he is all alone and in privacy … He is conscious that Allah is watching him.
For 30 days a person is ‘conscious’ of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala watching him all the time. Through this “consciousness”, the Noor of Taqwa accumulates within himself … However, if this Istihzaar (awareness) of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala decreases in him (by him committing sins), then, this Noor decreases and can eventually all be lost…
Importance of Istiqaamat
After the month of Ramadaan, if a person feels that he has now been “freed” from some shackle, or is free like a bird out of a cage … then he has lost the essence of Ramadaan. Ramadaan is not here to shackle us. Yes, it is a training period of disciplining the Nafs by exercising patience and endurance over temporary difficulties and hardships. Infact, there is great enjoyment that one experiences when fulfilling the Hukum (command) of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.