AFTER FAJR ~ Lessons From Hadith Shareef
AFTER TARAWEEH | SESSION 1 ~ Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh ~ Zikr ~ Du’aa
AFTER TARAWEEH | SESSION 2 ~ Recitation of Surahs ~ 40 Durood and Salaam ~ Du’aa
21ST NIGHT _ Friday 18 July _ After Taraweeh1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Surahs of the 22nd Juz | Allah Ta’ala’s Mercy | Mans total dependence upon Allah | Appreciating the bounties of Allah Taala.
21ST NIGHT _ Friday 18 July _ After Taraweeh2 > Recitation of Surah Mulk and Surah Waqiah | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
Saturday 19 July _ After Fajr > Hadith Three Golden Advices of Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam
Saturday 19 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Yaseen | Resurrection | Creation of man | Limbs bearing witness against the sinner on the Day of Qiyaamah
Sunday 20 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | Love of the Dunya and dislike of Death
23RD NIGHT _ Sunday 20 July _ After Taraweeh1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Surahs of the 24th Juz | Not losing hope in the Mercy of Allah | The Angels seek forgiveness on behalf of the Repentant Believer | Angels of Mercy descend to aid the Steadfast Believer against Shaytaan, at the time of his Death | The Importance of Calling towards Allah
23RD NIGHT _ Sunday 20 July _ After Taraweeh2 > Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
Monday 21 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | Acquiring a Halaal livelihood and being an Honest Trader
Monday 21 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Surahs of the 25th Juz | Turning to Allah Ta’ala in times of difficulty and prosperity | The Qualities of Tawakkul – Abstaining from major sins and immorality – Controlling of anger and forgiving the offender – Making regular Mashwarah – Spending on others – Not taking revenge and being patient | Destruction of Firaun and his leaving behind his entire kingdom | Greatness belongs only to Allah
Tuesday 22 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | Simplicity of Sahaba RA and the Incident of Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair RA
25TH NIGHT _ Tuesday 22 July _ After Taraweeh 1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Obedience to Parents – Especially the Mother | Loving the Sahaba RA | Harms of Backbiting
25TH NIGHT _ Tuesday 22 July _ After Taraweeh 2 > Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
Wednesday 23 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam’s precious Advices to Abu Zarr RA
Wednesday 23 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Only the Believers will have Noor on the day of Qiyamah | The fate of the Hypocrites | The time has dawned to submit and surrender to Allah Ta’ala | Zikrullah softens the Hard Heart
Thursday 24 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | 7 Types of People who will enjoy the Shade of Allah Ta’ala on the day of Qiyamah
27TH NIGHT _ Thursday 24 July _ After Taraweeh 1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Allah Ta’ala hears the plea of Khaulah RA | Importance of adopting Taqwa and its benefit | Abiding by the Mighty Glorious Quraan | Making Sincere Tauba and Dua
27TH NIGHT _ Thursday 24 July _ After Taraweeh 2 > Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
Friday 25 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | Reading excessive Durood Shareef on a Friday
Friday 25 July _ After Taraweeh > Recitation of Naath Shareef | Zikrullah | Dua
Saturday 26 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | The Fountain of Al Kauthar
29TH NIGHT _ Saturday 26 July _ After Taraweeh 1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Qiyaamah | Weighing of Deeds | Standing before Allah Ta’ala | The proofs of Allah Ta’ala’s Greatness | Controlling the Nafs
29TH NIGHT _ Saturday 26 July _ After Taraweeh 2 > Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua
Sunday 27 July _ After Fajr > Hadith | Visiting the Sick
Sunday 27 July _ After Zuhr > Q & A | Solutions to Spiritual Maladies
Sunday 27 July _ After Esha > Eid Night Majlis | Lailatul Jaa’iza
AFTER FAJR ~ Lessons From Hadith Shareef
AFTER TARAWEEH ~ Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh
• Sunday 13_July _ After Fajr > Hadith 5 Advices of Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam | Zikrullah
• Sunday 13 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Ambiyaa and Surah Al Hajj | Discussion on the first verse of Surah Ambiyaa on mans heedlessness and involvement in frivolous pursuits despite the closeness of Qiyaamah | How Allah Ta’ala aided the various Messengers and responded to them, when they supplicated and called out to Him during their difficult moments.
• Monday 14_July _ After Fajr > Hadith Do not Procrastinate in doing good deeds lest you are overcome with situations that deprive you totally.
• Monday 14_July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Mu’min | Discussion on the first 10 Verses | The Characteristics of the True Believer.
• Tuesday 15_July _ After Fajr > Hadith Having a Sadooqul Lisaan (an Honest Tongue) and a Makhmumul Qalb ( a Pure Heart)
• Tuesday 15_July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah An Naml | The Story of Hazrat Sulaiman AS and Bilqees
• Wednesday 16_July _ After Fajr > Hadith The Evils of Riya (Ostentation) and the Harms of Opposing A Friend of Allah Ta’ala
• Wednesday 16_July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Qasas | Qaarun’s Arrogance leads to his Destruction
• Thursday 17_July _ After Fajr > Hadith | The Bounties of Safety, Health and Daily Provision
• Friday 18_July _ After Fajr > Hadith | 3 Things regarding which Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam took an oath upon / and the 4 types of people in this World
• Friday 18_July _ Jumu’ah > Jumu’ah Lecture | Searching for Laylatul Qadr