Ramadaan 1435 ~ Programmes


AFTER FAJR Lessons From Hadith Shareef

AFTER TARAWEEH | SESSION 1 Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh ~ Zikr ~ Du’aa

AFTER TARAWEEH | SESSION 2 Recitation of Surahs ~ 40 Durood and Salaam ~ Du’aa


21ST NIGHT _ Friday 18 July _ After Taraweeh1  > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Surahs of the 22nd Juz |  Allah Ta’ala’s Mercy | Mans total dependence upon Allah | Appreciating the bounties of Allah Taala.

21ST NIGHT _ Friday 18 July _ After Taraweeh2  >  Recitation of Surah Mulk and Surah Waqiah | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua

Saturday 19 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith Three Golden Advices of Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam

Saturday 19 July _ After Taraweeh  >  Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Yaseen |  Resurrection | Creation of man | Limbs bearing witness against the sinner on the Day of Qiyaamah

Sunday 20 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith | Love of the Dunya and dislike of Death

23RD NIGHT _ Sunday 20 July _ After Taraweeh1  Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs  |  Surahs of the 24th Juz  | Not losing hope in the Mercy of Allah |  The Angels seek forgiveness on behalf of the Repentant Believer |  Angels of Mercy descend to aid the Steadfast Believer against Shaytaan, at the time of his Death |  The Importance of Calling towards Allah

23RD NIGHT _ Sunday 20 July _ After Taraweeh2  >  Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua

Monday 21 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith | Acquiring a Halaal livelihood and being an Honest Trader

Monday 21 July _ After Taraweeh  >   Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs  |  Surahs of the 25th Juz  |  Turning to Allah Ta’ala in times of difficulty and prosperity | The Qualities of Tawakkul  – Abstaining from major sins and immorality –  Controlling of anger and forgiving the offender – Making regular Mashwarah – Spending on others – Not taking revenge and being patient | Destruction of Firaun and his leaving behind his entire kingdom | Greatness belongs only to Allah

Tuesday 22 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith | Simplicity of Sahaba RA and the Incident of Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair RA

25TH NIGHT _ Tuesday 22 July _ After Taraweeh 1  >   Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Obedience to Parents – Especially the Mother | Loving the Sahaba RA | Harms of Backbiting

25TH NIGHT _ Tuesday 22 July _ After Taraweeh 2  >  Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua

Wednesday 23 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam’s precious Advices to Abu Zarr RA

Wednesday 23 July _ After Taraweeh  >   Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs  | Only the Believers will have Noor on the day of Qiyamah | The fate of the Hypocrites | The time has dawned to submit and surrender to Allah Ta’ala | Zikrullah softens the Hard Heart

Thursday 24 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith |  7 Types of People who will enjoy the Shade of Allah Ta’ala on the day of Qiyamah

27TH NIGHT _ Thursday 24 July _ After Taraweeh 1  >  Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Allah Ta’ala hears the plea of Khaulah RA | Importance of adopting Taqwa and its benefit | Abiding by the  Mighty Glorious Quraan | Making Sincere Tauba and Dua

27TH NIGHT _ Thursday 24 July _ After Taraweeh 2  >  Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua

Friday 25 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith Reading excessive Durood Shareef on a Friday

Friday 25 July _ After Taraweeh  >  Recitation of Naath Shareef  | Zikrullah | Dua

Saturday 26 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith | The Fountain of Al Kauthar

29TH NIGHT _ Saturday 26 July _ After Taraweeh 1  >  Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surahs | Qiyaamah | Weighing of Deeds | Standing before Allah Ta’ala | The proofs of Allah Ta’ala’s Greatness | Controlling the Nafs

29TH NIGHT _ Saturday 26 July _ After Taraweeh 2   Recitation of Surah Mulk / Surah Waqiah / Surah Sajda | 40 Durood & Salaam | Zikrullah | Dua

Sunday 27 July _ After Fajr  >  Hadith | Visiting the Sick

Sunday 27 July _ After Zuhr  >  Q & A | Solutions to Spiritual Maladies

Sunday 27 July _ After Esha  >  Eid Night Majlis | Lailatul Jaa’iza


AFTER FAJRLessons From Hadith Shareef

AFTER TARAWEEH ~ Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh


• Sunday 13_July _ After Fajr  > Hadith 5 Advices of Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam  | Zikrullah

• Sunday 13 July _ After Taraweeh  Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Ambiyaa and Surah Al HajjDiscussion on the first verse of Surah Ambiyaa on mans heedlessness and involvement in frivolous pursuits despite the closeness of Qiyaamah | How Allah Ta’ala aided the various Messengers and responded to them, when they supplicated and called out to Him during their difficult moments.

 • Monday 14_July _ After Fajr > Hadith Do not Procrastinate in doing good deeds lest you are overcome with situations that deprive you totally.

 • Monday 14_July _ After Taraweeh Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Mu’min Discussion on the first 10 Verses  | The Characteristics of the True Believer.

 • Tuesday 15_July _ After Fajr Hadith Having a Sadooqul Lisaan (an Honest Tongue) and a Makhmumul Qalb ( a Pure Heart)

 • Tuesday 15_July _ After Taraweeh Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah An Naml | The Story of Hazrat Sulaiman AS and Bilqees

 • Wednesday 16_July _ After Fajr Hadith The Evils of Riya (Ostentation) and the Harms of Opposing A Friend of Allah Ta’ala

 • Wednesday 16_July _ After Taraweeh Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Qasas | Qaarun’s Arrogance leads to his Destruction

 • Thursday 17_July _ After Fajr Hadith | The Bounties of Safety, Health and Daily Provision

 • Friday 18_July _ After Fajr Hadith | 3 Things regarding which Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam took an oath upon / and the 4 types of people in this World

 • Friday 18_July _ Jumu’ah Jumu’ah Lecture Searching for Laylatul Qadr
