A Ghaafil person is one who becomes heedless of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala and the opposite of this person is a Zaakir (one who is constantly in the remembrance of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala).
Shukr, we are so fortunate that we are reminded about Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala all the time, via : Musjids, Madressahs, Tabligh, Tazkiyah, Deeni Programmes, Taalim etc…
Imagine living a life of Ghaflat ?
The lives of people who have become neglectful of the remembrance of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala, are filled with futile activities of Dunya (entertainment, leisure, music, restaurants, cinemas, shows, frivolous pursuits). They become unaware of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala and rarely take HIS name.
A major cause of becoming heedless of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala is our ungratefulness to HIM. We have forgotten who our Creator is and all what He has provided for us.
A heedless person has an entirely different outlook on life, in comparison to someone who is aware of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala and His favours and generosity.
An Example of Ghaflat
Someone asked me : “What is meant by Ghaflat?”. So I explained by way of an example,… A person is standing on one specific spot and his cellphone suddenly rings. You will find that shortly after he answers his phone, he will no longer be standing on the same spot now, whilst talking on his cellphone.
Why? . . .
His mind is totally consumed in that conversation and he becomes oblivious to where he is standing. Especially if it is an important matter. So he is talking to another person, and is deeply engrossed in the conversation, to such an extent that he becomes totally heedless of his surroundings. You will find him pacing up and down. He will never be standing on one spot. Even if he is seated in a chair, he becomes unmindful of his bodily actions and waves his hands about. His mind is somewhere else . . .
Or, when a person happens to be driving his car whilst talking on his mobile phone, he is distracted whilst driving and hence will begin driving slowly, unwittingly, due to his deep concentration in the phone call conversation, and no longer on the road. The driver behind him wonders if he is perhaps lost and looking for some place, but eventually realises that he is busy talking on his phone … The person on the phone has lost all concentration on driving and on the road in front of him, and has hence become heedless.
This is Ghaflat! ... When one is heedless about his surroundings and is totally engrossed in something else …
Likewise, a heedless person is distracted by Dunya and forgets the road towards Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala
Another Example of Ghaflat
A person who is playing Chess (a strategy board game which is not permissible according to many Jurists). One of the probable reasons why it is forbidden, is that a person becomes totally consumed on every move that he is going to make. He has to give his undivided attention to the board. If there is a little bit of heedlessness whilst playing and his mind is diverted to something else other than the board, he may lose the game! He won’t know what move to make …
Imagine a person who has “no Allah” in his life. When his efforts, intelligence, time and wealth are only focussed on the Dunya, and there is no Allah Ta’ala in his life ??
Instead, we need to become Ghaafil (Heedless) of the ‘Pleasures of Dunya’ to become true “Zaakir’s of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala”