Ramadaan 1434 programmes
AFTER FAJR ~ Lessons From Hadith Shareef
AFTER TARAWEEH | SESSION 1 ~ Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh ~ Zikr ~ Du’aa
AFTER TARAWEEH | SESSION 2 ~ Recitation of Surahs ~ 40 Durood and Salaam ~ Du’aa
21ST NIGHT _ Monday 29 July _ After Taraweeh1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses | Surahs of the 25th Juz
21ST NIGHT _ Monday 29 July _ After Taraweeh2 > 40 Durood & Salaam | Istighfaar | Dua
Tuesday 30 July _ After Fajr > Virtues of Surah Faatihah | Ikhlaas
Tuesday 30 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Qaf
Wednesday 31 July _ After Fajr > Virtues of Surah Mulk | Surah Baqarah
23RD NIGHT _ Wednesday 31 July _ After Taraweeh1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Az Zaariyaat | Surah Al Hadeed
23RD NIGHT _ Wednesday 31 July _ After Taraweeh2 > Recitation of 40 Durood and Salaam
23RD NIGHT _ Wednesday 31 July _ After Taraweeh3 > Various Duroods Shareef | Istighfaar | Dua
Thursday 1 August _ After Fajr > Virtues of Ayatul Kursi
Thursday 1 August_ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Tahreem
Friday 2 August _ After Fajr > Virtues of Surah Kahaf
25TH NIGHT _ Friday 2 August _ After Taraweeh1 > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Qalam | Dua
25TH NIGHT _ Friday 2 August _ After Taraweeh2 > Recitation of 40 Durood and Salaam
25TH NIGHT _ Friday 2 August _ After Taraweeh3 > Advices | Istighfaar | Dua
Saturday 3 August _ After Fajr > Hadith | Sunnah of Eating
Saturday 3 August_ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of the 30th Juz | Zikr | Dua
Sunday 4 August _ After Fajr > Hadith | Sunnah of Eating 2
Sunday 4 August _ After Zuhr > Solutions to Spiritual Maladies
27TH NIGHT _ Sunday 4 August _ After Taraweeh1 > Lecture | Zikr | Dua
27TH NIGHT _ Sunday 4 August _ After Taraweeh2 > Recitation of 40 Durood and Salaam | Lecture | Istighfaar | Dua
Monday 5 August _ After Fajr > Hadith | Sunnah of Eating 3
Monday 5 August_ After Taraweeh > Lecture | Zikr | Dua
Tuesday 6 August _ After Fajr > Hadith | Etiquette of Visiting the Sick
29TH NIGHT _ Tuesday 6 August _ After Taraweeh1 > Recitation of 40 Durood and Salaam | Zikr | Dua
29TH NIGHT _ Tuesday 6 August _ After Taraweeh2 > Lecture | Isitghfaar | Dua
Wednesday 7 August _ After Fajr > Hadith | Etiquette of Visiting the Sick 2
Wednesday 7 August_ After Taraweeh > Recitation of 40 Durood and Salaam | Zikr | Dua
Thursday 8 August _ After Fajr > Hadith | Concise Duas of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam
Thursday 8 August _ After Esha > Eid Night Majlis | Lailatul Jaa’iza
Friday 9 August > Eid Lecture
AFTER FAJR ~ Lessons From Hadith Shareef
AFTER TARAWEEH ~ Tafseer Of Selected Ayaat Read In Taraweeh
Monday 22 July _ After Fajr > Mujahadah | Making and Effort in the Cause of Allah
Monday 22 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Al Ambiya
Tuesday 23 July _ After Fajr > Mujahadah | Making and Effort in the Cause of Allah 2
Tuesday 23 July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah An Noor and Surah Al Furqaan
Wednesday 24th July _ After Fajr > Sadaqah | Numerous Ways of Doing Good Deeds
Wednesday 24th July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah An Naml
Thursday 25th July _ After Fajr > Sadaqah | Numerous Ways of Doing Good Deeds 2
Thursday 25th July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses | The Advices of Luqmaan AS to his Son
Friday 26th July _ After Fajr > Sabr | Exercising Patience
Friday 26th July _ Jummuah > The Benefits of Taqwa and the Forgiving Quality of Allah
Friday 26th July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Ahzaab and Surah Saba
Saturday 27th July _ After Fajr > Sabr | Exercising Patience 2
Saturday 27th July _ After Taraweeh > Recitation of 40 Durood and Salaam
Saturday 27th July _ After Taraweeh > Zikrullah
Saturday 27th July _ After Fajr > Sabr | Exercising Patience 3
Sunday 28th July _ After Taraweeh > Brief Explanation of Selected Verses of Surah Mu’min
Monday 29th July _ After Fajr > Sabr | Exercising Patience 4