The Shining Stars
Taking us back to the era of Rasulullah~ Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, these discussions on the Sahabah Radiallahu Anhum, bring alive the rightful ‘Role Models’ who watered the garden of Islam with their blood ~ Discourses by ~ Moulana Naeem Motala Saheb DB
Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqaas (RA)
Hazrat Sa’ad bin Mu’aaz (RA)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA)
Hazrat Abu Zar Al Ghifaari (RA)
Hazrat Jaabir bin Abdilllah (RA)
Hazrat Hakeem bin Hizaam (R.A)
Hazrat Abdullah ~ Mus’ab bin Umair (RA)