The Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) were the profound and honoured people Allah Ta’ala had chosen. The Noble Qur’an and Ahaadith exemplify the magnificent status of these ‘Shining Stars’. The Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) gave everything for this beautiful Deen and sacrificed their entire lives for the continuity of Islam. We make Du’a Allah Ta’ala inculcates the love of our Deen in every crevice of our hearts and that the impeccable lives of the Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) reflect into our lives … Every person is given the opportunity to be a great person like the Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum), through their hardships and opportunities to succeed. ‘We can’t be them but we can be like them’ … How could you be like them if you don’t love them? How could you love them if you don’t acquire knowledge about them?
Taking us back to the era of Rasulullah~ Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, it brings alive the rightful ‘Role Models’ who watered the garden of Islam with their blood … In these sincere and detailed discussions, one cannot escape from being engrossed in the experiences of these flag bearers of Islam, who have taught us the true value of our Deen!
In an extract taken from Majlis Programme discussing the Sahaba ~ Hadrat Abu Darda RadiAllahu Anhu, Moulana Naeem Motala Saheb DB explains :
There are those in this world, (Allah Ta’ala protect us) that become consumed, absorbed, engrossed by the embellishments of this world, that they have no time for Allah Ta’ala (Allah Ta’ala protect us) . Then there are those who try to do both, try to make some Ibadat and try to attain some Dunya, but of course many still become heedless of Allah Ta’ala. Then there are those who spend more time in the Ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala whilst acquiring their dunya.
But then … there is one stage above all of these people … they are those people who forsake the world, they renounce the world, they have no love or attachment whatsoever. It is very easy to claim that I have no love for the world but these people opted for a very simple life. They were prepared to eat dry bread, they were prepared to live for days without food whatsoever. Their homes were absolutely simple. Their clothing extremely simple. Their wives were also prepared to make the sacrifice. They got some type of enjoyment. They derived some type of closeness to Allah Ta’ala and pleasure in this simple way of life of theirs ….
Download Complete Lecture Here
Click on the links below to Download Discussions on the Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) ~ by Moulana Naeem Motala Saheb DB …
Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqaas (RA)
Hazrat Salmaan Farsi (RA)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA)
Hazrat Huzaifa (RA)
Hazrat Faatima (RA)
Hazrat Asma bint Umais (RA)
Hazrat Abu Talha (RA)
Hazrat Mu’aadh bin Jabal (RA)
Hazrat Abu Zar Al Ghifaari (RA)
Hazrat Jaabir bin Abdilllah (RA)