Du’aa is the most powerful weapon. Yet we turn somewhere else. Or we use that as a last resort. Rasulullah Sallalahu alaihi wa sallam said “Du’aa is ibadat…It is the essence of ibadat”. What is the meaning of ibadat? What is the object of ibadat? Allah Subhanahu~Wa~Ta’ala wants His servants, Allah wants His bondsman, Allah wants you and I. We are the slaves of Allah. To rub our nose, to rub our forehead on the ground. Allah wants us to raise our hands. Allah wants to see from us, what we call in arabic “atta~zallul” where we show that we are absolutely in need of Allah. Allah is the master. We are His slaves. We implore Him. We beg Him. We beseech Him. We ask Him. Allah Subhanahu~Wa~Ta’ala wants us to acknowledge that He is the supreme ruler. He is the King! Everything is in His control, and therefore we should ask Him ‘first’…
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