مفاتيح الجنة ~ Mafātīhul Jannah 10 | The Virtue of Reciting the Kalimah | La ilaaha illallaah

Hazrat Jābir RadiAllahu Anhu said: I heard Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam saying : “The most excellent [form of] remembrance is Laa ilaaha illallah and the best supplication is Alhamdulillah” [Tirmidhī]
Some Excellent Virtues of Reciting La ilaaha illallah Extracted from Several Ahadith
• Allah will make the Hell fire forbidden upon the one who professes it sincerely
• There is no barrier to it from reaching Allah.
• One who recites it sincerely will be the most fortunate person gaining the intercession of Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam
• It is the greatest branch of Īmān
• It is the most excellent of deeds
• It is the best form of Zikr
• It protects one at the time of death and in the Qabr
• It is a means of emancipation from Jahannum and gaining entry into Jannah
• Outweighs the seven earths and skies
• Protects one from worldly calamities